Make a website

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Members only website

A membership website is a great way to create an online community that is attracted to your website content, or service. A good membership website offers content of value to its memberships that is interesting and valuable enough to keep them coming back for more. Membership websites can be setup to accept money on a long term basis (usually until your subscriber is ready to call it quits) or on a short term basis lasting one, two, or six months, you make that call.  A membership website also provides some open content to non-members so that perspective members can sample some of your product, or the information you offer before they join.

It helps to have a niche that you are passionate about to start a membership website but not all membership websites require a specific niche. What I mean is if, for example, your membership website is more of the project management type; where the members you are concerned about most are those associated with a project then that's a little different from what I am trying to share about a member's site. So just in case you’re thinking---Huh! “Niches? We don’t need any stinkin’ niches.” You are probably already aware of the fact that a niche ideas, to kickoff your members only website, is not always necessary, okay with that said!
If what you have to offer is your own unique method of discovery, for example: how you use a metal detector, operate a garage sale or if you excel at antique shopping and tips for finding hidden in plain site antique treasures. If you have handcrafting, cooking, crocheting, or gardening tips and secrets to share put your experiences to work and attract a group of internet visitors interested enough in what you have to offer to sign on and become a member of your site. You will of course find many other examples of membership websites but my point is, choosing to share a talent or information you already have, about a particular product or service, is all you really need.

The following are some membership website ideas that I have learned about, who knows you might find a Publisher type membership website. The Publisher version of membership website is usually on-going and in the form of a magazine, or newsletter, that provides ongoing useful information weekly, or monthly. Useful information for people interested in your particular niche or subject. If you have created an E-Book for your subject you can sell, or offer your e-book in parts, to members that sign up. In the case of e-books or other downloadable digital material you can setup a protected download feature to prevent unauthorized download of digital material available only to registered members.

There are Instructional or Educational Membership websites that distribute materials of interest to students, teacher, and other members in the teaching/learning field. Some of these membership websites include entire packages of information like course material offered and distributable to registered members after each stage of the lesson package is completed. The membership fee allows them to participate in an online training session to achieve certain preset goals before being allowed to progress on to the next level and eventually completion of the course. Membership websites in the educational category are usually intended for a membership to last until course material is complete, however, a good reference site and regularly updated material could increase not only the value of the information your membership site distributes; it could also result in extended memberships and member referrals to your website.

Another form of membership website is a Coaching Website, where coaching information is shared with those who sign up for your insight, coaching inspiration, and expertise: be it physical exercise, sales, sports, real estate, or treasure hunting; if you enjoy coaching make your membership website all about your passion to attract and inspire clients.  Health and wellbeing, midwife, pet training and animal care are just a few of the niches with the potential to attract like-minded people looking for a little coaching inspiration to help accomplish their goal. Here too you can offer different membership plans such as a one month membership, two month, or six month memberships for anyone shy of a long term commitment.

There are of course more types of membership business models than listed here. Membership website examples are often limited only by the imagination. If you’re thinking about having your own website capable of generating both income and the personal satisfaction that comes with sharing your valuable insight and experience with those looking for exactly what your membership website offers you could be on the right track. Membership websites have an extra added bit of attractiveness too: a membership website has the potential of not only generating online income but recurring income; cash for your business on a predetermined regular basis; money that can allow you to build some stability into your online business.

The potential to grow and expand your business and income, on a regular basis, are just a couple of the reasons I like the idea of a membership website. If this type website holds any interest for you, whatever your niche, physical fitness, holistic diet and cleansing, or sharing your daily stock market picks, it shouldn’t take much exploration to determine if a membership website will work for you.

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