Make a website

Monday, December 15, 2014

Owning your own Website

If you're a new website owner, or someone considering starting their own website then you've come to the right place. This blog titled Owning your own website was set up to answer some of your questions related to setting up and running a successful website; and while I can't claim to be the website location with all the answers I'm sure that if you're entertaining the idea of not only setting up a website, but managing your website you will find the information you see on this blog useful. Learn how to set up a website or a blog, how to make money with your website or blog and much more!

Also, don't be afraid to share any of your experiences, good or bad, as it relates to a website; those kinds of experiences, and first-hand-knowledge, are just the subject matter this blog likes. So whether you own and operate a Free website, or a Paid website, or have no website experience at all formulate a question, suggestion or idea and lets blog about it.

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